Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Best Day So Far: Singing in the Morning!

Step 1: Go to bed early
Step 2: Wake up early
Step 3: Pray out loud on my knees
Step 4-1,000,000: SING!

My favorite part about true friends is that they know instinctively when I am in need. And vice versa I can have that insight into my deep relationships as well! Emotional connections are intriguing to me. The people I choose to surround myself with have such great an influence on me, I also wish to support them and treat them with the same love as they show me.

Example #1....
I am a happy person, it's just the way God made me and I love it! However sometimes I drive myself into ruts. Real real large ones where I still think my giant arm, back, and leg muscles can push myself out but in reality I need either a handful of others helping, or a truck. A couple of weeks ago I was in said rut pushing away when out of no where this truck that I didn't even call for just showed up. Not only was the truck attached to my car but along with it 6 young men began shoving me from the sludgy mess of a hole I was in. What the?? Who were these people that just HAPPENED to know where I was, and HAPPENED to have a truck, and HAPPENED to have just the right amount of force to drag me out of the mud. Directly following the initial "save" I expected them to leave the way they came. Again to my amazement, the did not. They then proceeded to hose down my griminess, the water was warm and soothing. They supplied new comfortable clothing, I soon became aware of their shining faces. They possessed a light, not one that can be seen by merely glancing at them. No, they shone with power that can only come from Him. 

These Priesthood holders hold in the highest regard their sacred authority and I am so grateful to them.  

Example #2....
There is a friend of mine who I so dear to my heart. We have played and smiled together for freaking evers! A couple of days I realized that the people I most counted on for support did not have the encouraging words or actions for me anymore, except her. This friend who is struggling with her own difficulties opened up her and extended her arms of safety to me. I was healed. She also found a safe harbor in me which brought us even closer together than we have ever been, no matter the distance. It has been 9 months since I have had the blessing of being by her side, but I know soon I will see her and it will be better than ever.

Happiness is a choice. Fake it until you make it. Service, gratitude, obedience, charity, hope, and faith will never let you down. Those things are building blocks for happiness and joy. 


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