Monday, January 14, 2013


Sometimes I feel like all I need in my life at that very moment to be happy would be quesadillas. The amazing kind that are perfectly crunchy on the outside and full of hot goodness! I recently learned that putting slices of turkey inside while still on the stove and letting it be just long enough for the meat to heat up makes it taste even more like a completion of life. LOVE them. The cool new friend who smiles a lot also told me this short story.

"See my shoes? Well they pee on the floor! They have crevasses in the bottom to help me from not slipping on the wet floors at work. Here is the bad part though. In weather like this with tons of snow on the ground they pick it up and then pee on the floor when its above freezing temperature inside! How awful is that!? It's frustrating to get told over and over to clean up the pee on the floor!"

By the end of this story I was laughing so hard! The thing is, it wasn't meant to be funny, he was completely serious! This kid rocks! He makes me laugh and smile and we make yummy food together and do yoga. That has been the extent of our togetherness so far.. Im sure there will be more adventures to come.


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