Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let's Kick some Kevin Butt!

"Let's kick some Kevin butt!" My cousins are so awesome! We spent the entire week together playing, and playing, and playing. Every time I thought that I was going to get worn out they would say something so funny or start another Nerf gun war and the crazy fun would just keep going! Let me try to describe what we did this week, they are the coolest kids. Ever.

Christmas eve we did what most people do on the real Christmas ( Christmas Eve is kind of just a wanna be..) we opened presents! I was absolutely astonished to see just how many Lego sets are actually in existence because Im 97.67% sure that they have every single one. AND to make my astonishment greater, they came with instructions! The Legos I played with as a kid were basically just blocks, or very tiny blocks, but they never had a guide of what to build...we will get back to that later. Matt ( 10 years old) also got a bunch of Pokenmon stuff! I say "stuff" and not just "cards" because again there was so much more than just the original cards! He had guide books, and cheats for his DS game, he had chips and stories too! Before Monday night if I had been asked if Pokenmon and Legos were cool, I would have said "Absolutely no way!" But I would have been SO wrong! 

Christmas morning was the next adventure. We were all told, by Aunt and Uncle..or Mom and Dad to the cousins, that we could open our stockings but could not wake them up. They had warned me that sleeping on the couch I might be woken up by smaller cousins playing. I underestimated exactly what they meant. I have never before Tuesday morning been woken up by getting shot in the head by a Nerf gun. So many new experiences! The harmless weapons became the most favorite stocking suffer ever invented. Actually I take back calling them "harmless", although they don't exactly cause pain when shot directly at the body they may eventually cause temporary insanity.

Orange rolls, cinnamon rolls, egg bake and orange juice made up a delicious breakfast! So after the eating came the building! We built a police station! I got to put together the car and that was the most proud of myself I have been in a very long time. I decided that anyone would be proud of themselves if they spent an hour connecting Legos creating the coolest police car anyone has ever seen! It had stickers and lights and even had a little police guy inside, although he didn't last for very long because he got shot. 

We didn't have a set time of playing pokemon. This was because pokemon was constantly being played! I learned more about that game in three days than I had in 21 years! The littlest cousin is so good at it too! He would discover new poke-guys and then battle them! He is so good, he never loses.

Yesterday was Bryan's birthday! He is 16! I couldn't believe it! The baby cousin that my older brothers taught how to give a peace sign and say " Waazz uuup" in the cutest voice ever to be imagined is 16! His day started out with donuts! Mmmm, mine had pudding cream stuff in the middle. Be jealous. After that we played with mustaches! Yep, mustaches! Kevin ( 11)  got them for Christmas. I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed so hard I was crying when we turned Bryan into a Hun. And then when Uncle Dave became Charlie Chaplin I stopped making noise all together and just giggled, rolling around on the bed. 

The playing continued at Jump Time! Jump Time is to a gymnast like meth is to a drug addict. It had trampolines, foam pits, and dodge ball! Smacking little kids with balls is actually more fun than I thought it would be. But they got me back. The little ones ganged up on me. I guess it was fair because I thoroughly beat up on them. Bryan also learned how to do a back flip. I think I count as a pretty cool cousin too! 


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