If you were to open your front door, step outside, walk to your car put the keys in the ignition and drive to the store how many things would you have passed by without even giving them a second of time to sit in your mind? The door to a house that keeps you warm, the shoes you wore while walking to your car, the car that may be ugly or broken but still gets you from A to B, the money you have however small an amount that you can spend, and the store its self that allows you to purchase pretty much whatever you will need. On Saturday morning I was the first one awake. I showered, got dressed, and ate all before 9 am (which is unusual because I am on break from school). This was the day that I got to see some of the best people alive! My family. First Family member of the day 1. Abby- We drove to the cities to pick up two of my wonderful big brothers and spend the day together. As we drove we talked about speeding tickets, boys, cars, boys, cell phones, boys and music. 2. Ian- Abby and I got to go to the restaurant where this big brother works! He gave us hugs. We got to meet some of the people who he works with. And we ate a delicious lunch! Next we got to go to his house where we played KINECT DANCE for about an hour( I won!!) while we waited for #3. 3. Sam- He lives in Idaho, so it's really exciting when he comes to town. He was dropped off by a friend of his, a very pretty girl who was much too small for the enormous car she was driving. After another round of hugs we ( Abby, Ian, Sam, and I) piled into my bright yellow Focus and took off for home! Home-where the heart is. That's the definition I am using because where we were going wasn't our actual place of residence. As we drove we talked about each others lives and what was going on in our own. We turned on some music "Maybe"- Carrie Meacham which turned out to be our Christmas gift from Sam! Now if I tried to explain the rest of the details, excitement, happiness and family I enjoyed that night I would have to write a novel! To make it short all I can say is that it was a fairly ordinary day, with a little extra. After a weekend of food, presents, a sibling abs punching contest, more food, Dexter, and not very much sleep I can definitely say that my siblings are some of my best friends. That day had so much packed inside of it that in a year or two I know I won't be able to quite remember all of the details,but because I stopped to smell the roses Ill be able to at least remember the happiness.

My Beautiful Sister in law Kasey, Married to Noah!
My younger sister Abby and my big brother Ian!
The cutest niece on the face of the earth, Rosie!
Hippie Rosie with big brother Sam!
You have such a happy, fun attitude. I love it! I'm glad the day was amazing for you!