Short Term
1. Complete year #2 of college with good grades
2. Sign up for classes to aid in eventual graduation
3. Practice good physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health
4. Attend track meets! ( Abby is preparing for her 2nd trip to the state meet for pole vaulting)
Long Term
1. Graduate college
2. Read the BOM 5 times this year
3. Continue teaching, coaching, and start judging gymnastics
4. Be financially independent
5- #1!!!!! Change the world!
Each of these goals has about 60 things I need to do to be able to check it off my list, but every baby step I take brings me closer to ultimately becoming what I want to be, which is successful. I want to be able to look back at the choices I make and know that I chose things that were good. Things that would bring good things not only for myself but for everyone affected by my decisions. I use these lists and my "plans" to motivate myself everyday. Every moment spent idle is a moment wasted. That doesn't mean that I can't have fun too! Each thing I do, I go hard at. Work hard, Play hard!I know that it's a little late for New Years resolutions, but I made them and surprise! Im actually sticking to them! I'll share each one, the reason for it and the goal it will help me to accomplish.
1. I resolved to not drink anymore soda pop. I did this because I tend to take in a lot of sugar, bad sugar and I needed to stop. Doing so will help me to become more mentally and physically strong.
2. Love more. A very wise person knows that every time someone chooses to love, they are taking a risk of being hurt. But that wise person also knows that love is always worth it. I chose this because the more love I can have in my life the happier I become. I know this will help me to change the world!
3. Stand a little taller. I stole this from my best friends resolution. I want to just be better in all that I do. I strive to smile more, encourage more, listen more, and be a better person. I am doing this because it can benefit, and possibly inspire so many people as I do it. This will help me change the world too!
The song "Set the World on Fire" by Britt Nicole embodies my one big goal! I want to set the world on fire, and change it for the best!